With Great Power Comes Great Greed

 When one calls out human's worst attribute what comes to your mind? Intelligence? Greed? Cruelty? Corruption? Arrogance? Envy? Selfishness? Egoism? Violence?

What if I say that we can conclude the above attributes of humans in one word i.e., 'Politics'. Politics is supposed to be a  neutral word. To our surprise humans are successful in shadowing politics as a negative word. What comes in your mind when you hear 'Political or politics'?  In today's world politics as a practice often brings out humans worst behaviours.  Image of politics is directly proportional to dishonesty, greed, manipulation, and self interest. This perception of people is not wrong, it had developed over the years in view of several real-life instances. Politics has power to steer away a person's  point of view from a particular topic of public interest, by showing it's sheer interest in the cause.  People sway away their stands and question themselves.  

Politics at micro level itself is  a negative term. Can you ever have a positive perception after listening to the following sentence, " You are good at politics."  In our day-to-day terms we consider a person showing dishonest as being political. However, politics is not easy to understand that it could be summoned in few words. To understand politics one has to study and research years on political science, dig into the history of politics, carefully analyse human behaviours, cop-up with modern politics, scan surroundings and other number of efforts. Yet, one cannot determine political environment. 

To our surprise 'dirty' politics determine our leaders of today. 'Dirty' politics and leaders must be miles away to each other. In an ideal political system, leaders should be chosen based on their qualifications, character and ability to serve the public interest. Is it so? They should be individuals of integrity, honesty and genuine commitment. In contrast to today's world a politician being honest and committed is ironical! 'Dirty' politics in itself is comprised of money, game of power, influence, fame and personal benefits. 'Dirty' politics is just a blame game.

Stating to a recent incident in India I would like to highlight how  dirt of political system works. So, there is this conflict going on, in state of Manipur between  specific tribes named Meitei and Kuki from 3rd  May 2023. Real head of the country broke his silence after 70 days of the conflict, one of the reasons to his silence could be the administration of the state  belongs to his party.  Moreover,  hundreds have  died and several are  injured in  the conflict houses are set to fire yet, only minor actions have been taken. There was no  public outrage  for couple of months over the issue even in opposition. But when, the opposition saw an advantage over the government they pointed out  a video of May 4, 2023 , of two women (of one tribe) made to parade naked by group of men (of another tribe) on 20th July 2023.  As I have stated earlier that politics is just a blame game for politicians nobody in this political system wants justice. Politicians aligns themselves on the side where they see advantage over the other. As if this malicious act was just not enough, politicians started blaming each other's political party. Correctly stated as blame game one political party is addressing the other party's state government to hide atrocities of their own state. It seems as if the voters are just audience watching a movie filled with crime, thriller, their own loss and hypocrisy. It would not be wrong to say that politicians have lost their positive human attributes.

'Dirty' politics on macro scale is just a pool of dirt that pulls humans. A mere involvement of us into politics is enough to get our minds corrupted. And my dear readers, if you have misconception of your favourite political leader being a good human. Ask yourself  are you fully deprived of greed? When a normal citizen having minimal resources is not deprived greed then how can you  expect a person having everything just a step away, to serve the mankind.  Even if a politician does best thing for his/her constituency remember they still are  politician! 

Image of politics in modern world is deemed to be 'dirty'. It is a blame game where political parties tend to fill their baskets with money and power. While politics is complex and multifaceted it requires deep understanding and study. The example I have given is perfect example of how politics can  overshadow gravity of conflict and need for justice. It is essential for citizen to evaluate political actions and actively participate in political environment. While politics may have its negative aspects, it is crucial to remember that there are individuals who genuinely strive to serve their communities with the integrity and dedication. 

I do not believe the phrase - "With great power comes great responsibility." Instead, in today's scenario the best suited phrase will be  "With great power comes great greed."


  1. Thank you for expressing on my behalf !


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